About Us

Our Story

Embark on an unforgettable journey with Greenland Explorer, where our origins mirror the untamed spirit of the Arctic itself.

Our story begins with the vision of our founder, Taatsi, a seasoned mariner whose life has been deeply intertwined with the sea. His professional journey coupled with his fervent passion for sailing, laid the cornerstone for what would become Greenland Explorer.

Taatsi's exceptional dedication to his craft and his proactive approach to creating memorable experiences for every passenger sparked the transformation from a maritime enthusiast to a pioneering entrepreneur in the Greenlandic adventure travel industry. Our inception is a tale of passion, partnership, and the pursuit of dreams against the dramatic backdrop of Greenland's icy waters.

Professional Team

Behind Greenland Explorer is a crew united by a love for adventure and a commitment to excellence. Led by Taatsi our team is a blend of experienced mariners and dedicated staff, all working together to ensure your Greenland adventure is nothing but extraordinary.

Taatsi is the most experienced sailor in Greenlandic waters in our crew. He started working with ships as a teenager and since then, he studied from ship mechanic to Master Mariner 3000. He has worked with ships up to 133 meters length. He is our Captain on Kisaq. Check him out on his Instagram @taatsiberthelsen.

Commitment to Sustainability

We understand the importance of preserving Greenland's pristine environment and rich cultural heritage. At Greenland Explorer, we are committed to responsible and sustainable tourism practices, ensuring that our expeditions not only respect the natural environment but also contribute positively to local communities.

Safety onboard

At Greenland Explorer we take safety seriously – your safety is our utmost priority. Our company is based in Greenland, and all our boats are approved by the Danish Maritime Authority under Danish/Greenlandic law, ensuring they meet the highest standards of safety. Our captains and crew have all the required certificates – or higher qualifications – and have extensive experience navigating the Greenlandic waters.

We are committed to ensuring that your experience with us is not only unforgettable but also safe and secure. We operate with a deep respect for the Arctic conditions and ensure that all guidelines and safety protocols are strictly followed, allowing you to relax and enjoy your adventure with peace of mind.

Our Vision and Mission

At Greenland Explorer, we're more than just a travel company. We are custodians of the Greenlandic legacy, committed to providing authentic and sustainable Arctic experiences. Our vision is to unveil the untouched beauty of Greenland, showcasing its majestic landscapes, vibrant wildlife, and rich culture.

Our mission is to offer unique and safe adventures, enabling our guests to connect with nature and explore the vast wilderness of Greenland responsibly. We are dedicated to creating unforgettable memories, fostering a deeper understanding and respect for our natural world.

Join Our Journey

Discover the untouched beauty of Greenland with us. Whether you're seeking the thrill of iceberg navigation, the tranquility of remote fjords, or the warmth of Greenlandic culture, Greenland Explorer is your gateway to an unparalleled Arctic adventure.

Ready for your Greenland adventure?

Contact us today to plan your unforgettable journey. Follow us on social media to stay updated on our latest expeditions and adventures.

Kisaq boat - Greenland Explorer